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MS Resources

MS Resources

Caregiver Support
MS Medications and Therapies

Caregiver Support

Multiple Sclerosis Foundations Homecare Assistance Grant

MS Focus understands the daily needs and challenges that must be met by both those with MS and their caregivers. 

In order to meet these needs in the most timely and efficient way possible, our Homecare Assistance Grant
connects you to the best available local services. Should resources within your community not be available, direct support may be provided on a temporary basis.  

Available services include home care, therapy visits, respite care, etc.

Family Caregiver Alliance

Caregiver Services by State:

National Center on Caregiving

(415) 434-3388 | (800) 445-8106
FCA CareNav™:

Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) seeks to improve the quality of life for caregivers through education, services, research, and advocacy. Through its National Center on Caregiving, FCA offers information on current social, public policy, and caregiving issues and provides assistance in the development of public and private programs for caregivers. 

Residents of the greater San Francisco Bay Area:
 FCA provides direct family support services for caregivers of those with Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, MS, ALS, head injury, Parkinson’s, and other debilitating brain disorders that strike adults.

National MS Society

MS Navigators — highly skilled, compassionate professionals — connect you to the information, resources and support needed to move your life forward. These supportive partners help navigate the challenges of MS unique to your situation

MSAA (Multiple Sclerosis Association of America)

May provide assistance with ADA remodeling

Can Do MS (videos and podcasts)
Caregiver Action Network

Caregiver Action Network (CAN) is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for the more than 90 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age.

CAN serves a broad spectrum of family caregivers ranging from the parents of children with significant health needs, to the families and friends of wounded soldiers; from a young couple dealing with a diagnosis of MS, to adult children caring for parents with Alzheimer’s disease.

Well Spouse

The Well Spouse® Association, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) membership organization, advocates for and addresses the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse or partner.

They offer peer support and educate health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues “well” spouses face every day.

MS Medications and Therapies

MSAA Ultimate MS Treatment Guide

This online tool is designed to help people with multiple sclerosis learn about the different FDA-approved disease-modifying therapies. Developed by MSAA in collaboration with Wondros, a global creative agency, the Ultimate MS Treatment Guide includes detailed information about each disease-modifying therapy. Additional features include a Quick Facts section and a comparison option, where one can easily select two or more treatments and, with the click of a button, view side-by-side charts outlining the specifics for each medication.

The Ultimate MS Treatment Guide also includes educational videos from leading healthcare professionals, appearing on each treatment-specific webpage. Additionally, videos from patient advocates are featured and highlight topics such as starting a disease-modifying therapy, having to change therapies, the importance of advocating for oneself, and helpful tips to manage one’s MS, among other important topics.

National MS Society Medications

A directory of medication to help you manage MS and related symptoms


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