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We are honored to touch so many
lives, and we look forward to your
transformation too!

"Being diagnosed with MS is daunting, but this information gives you something you can do that will make a lasting difference in your life and the lives of your family members."

Joscelyn G, Colorado

This was exactly what I needed at the most perfect time. I had entered into depression and fear, questioning how strong I was, and how long I could manage though the sentence of MS. I found support, friendships, and best of all, hope and spirit again. Thank you all for what you did, and for bringing me back.”

Candace H, Colorado

TRUE Medicine empowers people with MS to take better control of their health. Dr. Susan is incredibly knowledgeable about how to improve one’s wellness through different lifestyle changes that go beyond the therapies recommended by western medicine practitioners. I am so grateful to have met other MS warriors who have inspired me to live a healthier life.”

Janice K, California

"With all of the information that was provided I now have enough tools to get a handle on many of the suggestions each module covered."

Susan S, Mississippi

Susan Simmons

TRUE Medicine is on the verge of helping millions of warriors with MS, and other autoimmune diseases. Actually, ANYONE could benefit from this straight-forward, science-based approach to healthy living. Sometimes we just need to hear the truth from people who care.”

Mary K, Texas

I started TRUE Medicine not really knowing what to expect. I finished the program with so much more than I anticipated. I feel like I have allies, I have support and I have resources that I know are trustworthy.”

Angela M, California

"I was truly amazed and the program was more than worth the time and cost. On top of the written content, the videos added to my knowledge. I had the chance to talk with others going through the same program to share encouragement and a sense I was far from alone on my journey. It was definitely a life changing experience."

James B, Colorado; diagnosed 2004​

I had already done a lot of research and had already put a lot of things into action before I started this program. But there were several things that were great reminders that inspired me to make different choices.”

Dani E, California

The Gathers were a great way to keep me accountable. Now that it’s been 2 months, I feel like I have formed some habits that I will continue using!”

N O, California

"You were a ray of hope and an actionable plan when I was literally floundering. The best part was that I had really committed, it was like I didn’t have the option to quit...because boy I wanted to. I didn’t want to quit because of the program itself. [After each Gather] I was in awe of how great the experience was and how much it helped me overall."

Sara B, Texas


A program that encourages growth, learning and social interaction. In three words Empowerment, Education, Evolution.”

M G M, California

I really could have used this program in my first few years after diagnosis.”

Eli M, California

"The program is fantastic and very appreciated. It fills a void in my life. I share my disease with no one. Now I have a tribe. The exact tribe I was looking to build!!"

Hannah C, Vermont

You can do as much research as you’d like but hearing from not only the experts but from fellow auto-immuners was incredibly important for me. It felt great having a supportive community and the ability to mind share with them was valuable.”

Felix C, California

This program was really helpful in supporting some of the habits I have already been working towards. I learned some valuable information and am grateful to have met other people with MS.”

Jen S, California

Don't miss out

The Live Well with MS Foundations Program starts this Saturday!

Enrollment closes Friday March 18th.

Join us to reclaim your health!

FREE Mini Course

How to Unlock Your
Body's Healing Potential
to Improve MS

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and tools to boost your health.

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As part of signing up, we’ll be sending you emails with additional free content and program announcements.
You will also receive exclusive bonuses and program discounts only for email subscribers.

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if you need additional assistance. 

As part of signing up, we’ll be sending you emails with additional free content and program announcements.
You will also receive exclusive bonuses and program discounts only for email subscribers.