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Can Toxins Cause Multiple Sclerosis?
Your Daily Exposures (Part 1)


Are you aware of hidden toxins in your environment and their impact on MS? 

My guess is that you probably haven’t heard about the connection between toxins and MS, even from your doctors.

The evidence shows that man-made toxins play a key role in the development of chronic illnesses, including autoimmunity and MS. If we want a real chance of treating MS, we can’t ignore these toxic disruptors.

Where are toxins hidden?

Look around your house, particularly in your medicine cabinet, under your kitchen sink, and in the garage. How many products do you store in these areas with hard-to-pronounce chemical names?

Let’s consider a typical day. Perhaps you wake up and make coffee by putting a pre-packaged pod into a machine, and then run heated tap water through plastic packaging to create that cup of coffee. Or maybe you dunk a tea bag bleached with dioxin into boiling tap water that’s contaminated with hundreds of compounds like fluoride, pharmaceuticals, and BPA.

hand holding a cup of tea with tea bag

After that cup of coffee or tea, you hop in the shower and wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner full of phenols and phthalates that make your hair smell good.  Perhaps you scrub yourself with paraben-containing soap using a sponge made of recycled (broken down) plastics.

Count your chemicals

The modern world is toxic. A study by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) revealed the average woman walks out of the house with 168 distinct chemicals on her body!

If this sounds like an over-exaggeration, let’s do the math –  Add up the number of ingredients in your:

You may be shocked to find that your number may actually far exceed 168. 

"The average woman walks out of the house
with 168 distinct chemicals on her body!"

It’s time to face up to the harsh reality that toxins are everywhere, and we are all exposed. As a result, we are now starting to see the unprecedented consequences of toxic exposures on human health. This can manifest as shifts in the gut human microbiome, immune dysfunction, damage to delicate mitochondria, hormone imbalance, and so much more.

No doubt, it’s scary when we zoom in on toxins to make the invisible “visible.” When we realize that we have been unknowingly exposed to these dangerous chemicals since conception, it can definitely be anxiety-provoking.

It helps to know that there are real solutions to this problem, if we are willing to commit the time and effort to create a plan of action. 

A great first step is to learn where toxins lurk in the spaces we spend our time in, like home, work, and school. This helps us identify and remove these dangerous molecules from our environment to cut our exposures and offload the liver. This is how we begin to create a healthy home and work space. We can also put into place the key factors that support our liver and other organs of detoxification so that we can more efficiently remove these damaging molecules out of our bodies.  

Armed with this knowledge, we can move beyond the fear around toxins and feel empowered to make intentional choices that impact our future health. Tune into Part 2 to learn how the problem of toxins came to be and what we can do about it.

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